System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
System messages
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Name Default message text
Current message text
upload-tryagain-nostash (talk) (Translate) Submit re-uploaded file and modified description
upload_directory_missing (talk) (Translate) The upload directory ($1) is missing and could not be created by the webserver.
upload_directory_read_only (talk) (Translate) The upload directory ($1) is not writable by the webserver.
upload_source_file (talk) (Translate) (your chosen file from your computer)
upload_source_url (talk) (Translate) (your chosen file from a valid, publicly accessible URL)
uploadbtn (talk) (Translate) Upload file
uploaddisabled (talk) (Translate) Uploads disabled.
uploaddisabledtext (talk) (Translate) File uploads are disabled.
uploaded-animate-svg (talk) (Translate) Found "animate" tag that might be changing href, using the "from" attribute <code><$1 $2="$3"></code> in the uploaded SVG file.
uploaded-event-handler-on-svg (talk) (Translate) Setting event-handler attributes <code>$1="$2"</code> is not allowed in SVG files.
uploaded-hostile-svg (talk) (Translate) Found unsafe CSS in the style element of uploaded SVG file.
uploaded-href-attribute-svg (talk) (Translate) <a> elements can only link (href) to data: (embedded file), http:// or https://, or fragment (#, same-document) targets. For other elements, such as <image>, only data: and fragment are allowed. Try embedding images when exporting your SVG. Found <code><$1 $2="$3"></code>.
uploaded-href-unsafe-target-svg (talk) (Translate) Found href to unsafe data: URI target <code><$1 $2="$3"></code> in the uploaded SVG file.
uploaded-image-filter-svg (talk) (Translate) Found image filter with URL: <code><$1 $2="$3"></code> in the uploaded SVG file.
uploaded-remote-url-svg (talk) (Translate) SVG that sets any style attribute with remote URL is blocked. Found <code>$1="$2"</code> in the uploaded SVG file.
uploaded-script-svg (talk) (Translate) Found scriptable element "$1" in the uploaded SVG file.
uploaded-setting-event-handler-svg (talk) (Translate) Setting event-handler attributes is blocked, found <code><$1 $2="$3"></code> in the uploaded SVG file.
uploaded-setting-handler-svg (talk) (Translate) SVG that sets the "handler" attribute with remote/data/script is blocked. Found <code>$1="$2"</code> in the uploaded SVG file.
uploaded-setting-href-svg (talk) (Translate) Using the "set" tag to add "href" attribute to parent element is blocked.
uploaded-wrong-setting-svg (talk) (Translate) Using the "set" tag to add a remote/data/script target to any attribute is blocked. Found <code><set to="$1"></code> in the uploaded SVG file.
uploadedimage (talk) (Translate) uploaded "[[$1]]"
uploaderror (talk) (Translate) Upload error
uploadfooter (talk) (Translate) -
uploadinvalidxml (talk) (Translate) The XML in the uploaded file could not be parsed.
uploadjava (talk) (Translate) The file is a ZIP file that contains a Java .class file. Uploading Java files is not allowed because they can cause security restrictions to be bypassed.
uploadlogpage (talk) (Translate) Upload log
uploadlogpagetext (talk) (Translate) Below is a list of the most recent file uploads. See the [[Special:NewFiles|gallery of new files]] for a more visual overview.
uploadnewversion-linktext (talk) (Translate) Upload a new version of this file
uploadnologin (talk) (Translate) Not logged in
uploadnologintext (talk) (Translate) Please $1 to upload files.
uploadscripted (talk) (Translate) This file contains HTML or script code that may be erroneously interpreted by a web browser.
uploadscriptednamespace (talk) (Translate) This SVG file contains an illegal namespace "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>".
uploadstash (talk) (Translate) Upload stash
uploadstash-bad-path (talk) (Translate) Path doesn't exist.
uploadstash-bad-path-bad-format (talk) (Translate) Key "$1" is not in a proper format.
uploadstash-bad-path-invalid (talk) (Translate) Path is not valid.
uploadstash-bad-path-no-handler (talk) (Translate) No handler found for mime $1 of file $2.
uploadstash-bad-path-unknown-type (talk) (Translate) Unknown type "$1".
uploadstash-bad-path-unrecognized-thumb-name (talk) (Translate) Unrecognized thumb name.
uploadstash-badtoken (talk) (Translate) Performing that action failed, perhaps because your editing credentials expired. Please try again.
uploadstash-clear (talk) (Translate) Clear stashed files
uploadstash-errclear (talk) (Translate) Clearing the files failed.
uploadstash-exception (talk) (Translate) Could not store upload in the stash ($1): "$2".
uploadstash-file-not-found (talk) (Translate) Key "$1" not found in stash.
uploadstash-file-not-found-missing-content-type (talk) (Translate) Missing content-type header.
uploadstash-file-not-found-no-local-path (talk) (Translate) No local path for scaled item.
uploadstash-file-not-found-no-object (talk) (Translate) Couldn't create local file object for thumbnail.
uploadstash-file-not-found-no-remote-thumb (talk) (Translate) Fetching thumbnail failed: $1 URL = $2
uploadstash-file-not-found-no-thumb (talk) (Translate) Could not obtain thumbnail.
uploadstash-file-not-found-not-exists (talk) (Translate) Cannot find path, or not a plain file.
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